Housing Services

Housing Services

Our Services

Emergency Shelter

Arise provides short-term, temporary shelter to adults and children who need emergency housing because of abuse and violence or threats of abuse and violence.

  • Emergency shelter is available to residents of Lawrence County as well as outside the county. Preference given to Lawrence County residents if space is limited.
  • Our handicap accessible shelter can accommodate up to 36 individuals. The bedroom units can accommodate both individuals and families.
  • Two play areas for children are available—one outside area and one inside playroom.
  • Our shelter guests have access to case managers who will assist in developing individualized service plans to address individual needs which may include housing, budgeting, employment, and connection to community resources.
  • Shelter guests have access to all Arise services including rental assistance, counseling and survivor advocacy and accompaniment.
  • All people are welcome. Arise does not discriminate based on gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, race or religion.
  • Relocation assistance is available when it is unsafe for an individual or family to remain in the local area.

To inquire about eligibility for emergency shelter services, call our 24 hour hotline at 724-652-9036.

Transitional Housing & Rapid Re-Housing

Arise offers safe and practical housing solutions to individuals and families through transitional housing and rapid re-housing (a.k.a. rental assistance) programs, or a combination of both. Individuals and families are prioritized based on need and risk which is determined by a housing assessment facilitated by Arise case managers.

These programs are offered to individuals who are homeless because of, or are fleeing, domestic violence, sexual violence and human trafficking. Individuals and families do not have to be residing in temporary emergency shelter to be eligible for these housing options.

  • Transitional housing & Rapid Re-Housing is available to residents of Lawrence County as well as outside the county and is determined by a prioritization list.
  • Individuals and families can receive Transitional Housing and/or Rapid Re-Housing Assistance anywhere from 12 to 24 months.
  • Program participants have access to case mangers who will assist in developing individualized service plans to address individual needs which may include housing, budgeting, employment, and connection to community resources.
  • Program participants have access to all Arise services including counseling and survivor advocacy and accompaniment.
  • All people are welcome. Arise does not discriminate based on gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, race or religion.

To inquire about eligibility for Transitional Housing & Rapid Re-Housing, please call our 24 hour hotline at 724-652-9036.

Housing Services

Emergency Shelter is safe, short term housing for individuals who are living in unsafe situations.

Transitional Housing is longer-term housing with case management to help transition individuals into safe, community-based housing.

Rapid Re-Housing is permanent housing with rental assistance and case management to help ensure that individuals remain housed.

For general inquiries about any Arise housing programs, please call our 24 hour hotline at 724-652-9036.