Community Outreach

Community Outreach

Our Services

Arise in the Community

Prevention Education refers to anti-violence related programs and curriculums are offered to elementary, middle, and high schools including parent/guardian organizations. Programs and curriculums can also be college, university, and other nontraditional learning environments and focus on preventing violence before it happens.

Community Education programs are presented to all audiences for the purpose of increasing community awareness and understanding of issues related to violence and abuse.

Outreach activities are conducted throughout the local area to raise awareness about domestic violence, assault and other violent crimes; and to provide resources to the community on available service education, and reporting.

Professional Training is offered to community organizations and allied professionals who work with victims of violence and abuse including but not limited to: small businesses, corporations, law enforcement professionals, social service providers, legal personnel, faith-based organizations, and education.

For more information about Education and Outreach, Prevention Education, and Professional Training opportunities, please contact us at 724-652-9206