
Our Services

Counseling Services

Arise ofers many diferent types of counseling services to meet the variety of needs that s they have been impacted by violence and abuse.

Counseling services are ofered, free of charge, to:
  • Individuals
  • Couples
  • Families
  • Groups
  • Adults
  • Children

Arise ofers many diferent types of counseling services to meet the variety of needs that s they have been impacted by violence and abuse.

Counseling services are ofered, free of charge, to:
  • Individuals
  • Couples
  • Families
  • Groups
  • Adults
  • Children

What is Trauma?

Counseling services can be long-term as well. Trauma Therapy is a longer-term form of counselin individuals understand and move through the trauma symptoms they experience as a result of viole abuse. These symptoms typically have a long-term impact on behavior, thoughts and feelings.


Trauma describes an bio-psychological response to a terrible event like and accident, violence o disaster.

Group Counseling

Arise ofers group counseling sessions.
  • Ongoing weekly self-esteem group for adults
  • Parenting Classes are ofered throughout the year
  • Child and adolescent support groups are ofered throughout the year
Arise counselors are trained in a variety of evidenced-based techniques and other best-practice including, but not limited to:
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
  • The Incredible Year Parenting Curriculum
  • A Window Between Worlds